Ever dreamed of reaching the skies with ease. Paramotoring combines Paragliding and a small engine giving you complete control. The Paramotor Wing fits in a rucksack and the Paramotor can pack down again small enough to fit in a family sized car. All equipment can be easily assembled within minutes of arriving on site offering aviators the ultimate dream !
Our school follows the EPPA Syllabus leading to a FLM (Foot Launched Microlight) Rating. Our Chief flying Instructor first flew paramotors in 1989, so has a wealth of experience and has invested this experience in the design and manufacturing of related equipment.
For the beginner – 1 day lesson
A gentle introduction into Paramotoring consisting of Introduction briefing, Safety Landing training, Paragliding terminology, Ground Handling, Launching techniques both reverse and forward and several ground skimming flights, debrief session and look forwards too....
Paramotor Pilot - 7 day lesson